
Week 13 Recap - Hurricane Irene Scares

With hurricane Irene looming many people were hesitant to make it out to the market in week thirteen.  There was only a short number of vendors in attendance but luckily those that were their (including your's truly) were very surprised by the turnout.  Maybe people were stocking up on food before the hurricane and the supermarkets were overcrowded.  Who knows?  What we do know is that whenever new people show up at the market it provides us with more and more consumer information.

We definitely have some of the best regular customers out there and we're delighted we can provide them with a product that taste great and is completely grain-free every week.  However, we love the challenges that come with educating consumers about our product and why we're different than those other grain laden granolas out there.  

What we've noticed is that some of the best feedback comes from those who try the product and remain silent.  This is usually followed by customers walking around the market freely, tasting many other foods and slowly gravitating back to our stand to make a purchase.  Why people like this are so valuable is because they provide immediate feedback without bias.  They don't send mixed messages, or say "it's delicious" and walk away never to be seen again.

Market research is something that is important but in the end it's more important to simplify things as much as possible.  Does it taste great? - Yes.  Is it made from all natural healthy foods? Yes.   Are we getting this same message from those who have tried the product? Yes.

Sounds great, let keep moving forward making a great product for great people.   Till next week!

PS - Stay tuned for some updates about new markets that are carrying Paleonola.

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