
Market Recap Week 12

This week at the market.....

With the rain playing peek-a-boo patrons were hesitant to get out early this Saturday morning.  After the first hour, which was extremely quiet, the clouds broke and the locals started coming out to purchase quality food from all of our quality vendors in attendance this week. 

We saw average sales this week and with the end of the summer approaching one can only think families are trying to get some last minute vacation time in with the kids before school starts again. 

Since the market runs right through October we're hoping that traffic will be steady or increase and not fall off completely. 
We did see more people stopping by to ask us about Paleo in general or to tell us they have been trying Paleo for a few weeks and they feel great! 

Just a reminder, there is one more day left to enter the Paleo Comfort Foods Paleonola variety pack giveaway!!!

Get to Paleocomfortfoods.com for details.

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