
Flirting With Fall - Week 14 Recap

Week fourteen started fast with our first customer buying multiple bags.  We were anxious to see how the turnout would be this weekend considering the holiday and the fact that school starts for most kids next Tuesday.  

The fall weather seemed like it was making an early appearance as the crisp cool weather hung around for most of the market. Most of the regulars were back this week as well after being scared away by last weeks hurricane.  

We are anticipating September will be a little busier than August since most people are starting to get back into their normal routines.  As it turns out, the increased foot traffic and local high school events helped bring more people out to "check out" what's going on. 

Shopping at the market for some people is similar to the way some people workout.  It's more of a social activity than a get it done type activity. Nonetheless in the end I think this draws more people into the parking lot just because of the curiosity factor. 

Also, this week it seemed like there were a lot more people who came out to the market and brought a friend along because we saw a lot of new faces which gave us the opportunity to give our 60 second Paleo speech.

It's always challenging to combine years of literature and science into a  simple short paraphrase.  Most people get it, others are confused or skeptical and rightly so. If we're not challenging the thought process behind something than we're going in the wrong direction.   Hopefully we keep spreading the Paleo word and encourage more people to not only try our product but the lifestyle itself.  Till next week!

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  1. You guys have any promotions coming up? I'd like to try them (especially for hubby's brown-bag lunches), but dang, the shipping! I was looking for an online promo code to order the variety pack, no luck. So, if you foresee any promo that might take a % down on the total, let me know. Will recheck here in the comments and Facebook (I liked y'all to stay informed). Later...

  2. Sorry Princess, right now we are not running any promotions. We ship UPS and USPS and it will usually arrive in 2-3 business days. When we do run our promotions we'll post it to our facebook and twitter pages so everyone will know! Thanks
