
Starting Over, Plateaus and Breakthroughs

It doesn't matter what aspect of your life we are talking about, it boils down to one of the three major stages mentioned in this title.  With the New Year upon us it's only fitting that we focus on working out and eating right.  As someone who just took three weeks off from training and stressing about every calorie that enters my body I can relate to most people whether you're starting out fresh for a New Year's resolution or frustrated with your performance in the gym.  Personally I do not enjoy taking breaks from training but it becomes necessary in order to protect yourself from getting sick or running yourself into the ground mentally and physically.  Fresh starts give everyone a chance to do it right this time around.

So what's it like to start over after 3 weeks?  It's comparable to starting over completely.  You have to start slow and you have to take your time easing back into your routine, whatever it may be.  The key points for anyone starting over or starting fresh are to do a little bit more every time.  Once you get into a groove that's when the intensity needs to be turned up a bit.  It's at this point where you hit the infamous "plateau" and a change is absolutely necessary.

Luckily, changes can come in the form of many different things, for instance, more rest, a change in caloric intake or just alternating your workout routine.  Plateaus are signals that your body is too used to or too comfortable with what you've been doing.   My favorite thing to do during these plateaus is to rest and recover.  Dial in the diet, focus on better sleep patterns, and see how your body reacts.  These periods are where breakthroughs can surprise you when you least expect it and the cycle repeats itself.

Happy New Year!  See you in 2014

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