
Market Recap - Week 16

The crisp cool air of fall seemed to encourage more visitors this week. Being a non-traditional vendor is always challenging but also fun as we get the opportunity to enlighten people about health and fitness every week. 

It's great meeting new people and spreading the Paleo word. If you've stayed up to date on your "Paleo" media (is the community big enough to say that) you've probably noticed that people with no sense  of what the Paleo style diet is, have been writing, blogging and emailing nonsense about this "fad." I personally love 200,000+ year fads. But I digress. 

This weeks market seemed to fly by. Sales were steady and the weather was perfect.  Lots of patrons showed up in the last half hour which is understandable considering it's a Saturday.  As we move forward to the last few weeks here in Barrington we'll be letting people know what retail locations will be carrying Paleonola once the market ends. 

** Next week we'll NOT be in attendance because we're taking Paleonola on the road to NY to be a sponsor for the NYC Barefoot Run. 

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1 comment:

  1. I just got mine in the mail, ordered on Friday, amazing service - it is seriously unbelievable! I can't wait to market to my CrossFit friends on the Leaning challenge....btw, do you need a market representative in Seattle??!! thambelt@gmail.com
