
Supermarkets Could be Better

When most people go to the grocery store it's usually with a list of things to get for the next week or two.  Naturally we look at this as being more efficient by not having to go out and get groceries every day but grocery shopping should be looked at more as an enjoyment than a chore.  In reality what is going to give you the energy you need this week to do all those things you needed to get done?  The food you purchase, which inevitably you eat is always going to be your energy source.

When we look at it this way their is definitely a more intimate experience to be had grocery shopping.  This is why people have sought out farmers markets to do their shopping.  Their is more of a connection between the human and their food when a more thought, effort and preparation are required to obtain these things.  Supermarkets numb this experience by constantly providing us with a huge variety of food no matter what season or time of year.

Obviously their goal is to make a profit and operating on smaller margins means they have to have higher volumes but wouldn't it make sense to offer better, higher quality products for a little bit more than a bunch of low quality crap at "affordable" prices?

The mainstream supermarkets have no desire in changing the way they do business but luckily for us their are quality supermarkets out there.   What's even better is if you live in the right area, there are also a number of high quality farmers markets where you can connect even further with your food.  We say it all the time, "it's going to take your purchasing power to create change."  Be conscience of what you purchase and understand why you purchased it.  Choose quality of quantity and eat real foods.

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