
Market Recap Week Seven

Paleonola seems to be gaining some traction with more than a handful of repeat customers this week. This despite seeing few overall people at the market for reasons unknown to everyone.  

It could be that people are away on vacation or that the weather was so nice people decided to head out to the beach rather than the market. We did see a drop in families this week which leads us to believe that families would rather pack up the kids for a day trip when the weather is nice than spend the effort just go to the farmers market. In any event we were still pleased with the regulars we see every week. Your loyalty is much appreciated.  

Overall it was a good week for Paleonola.  With plans to offer our products in the fall at more retail outlets, it is our hope that through this farmers market people will already be aware of the brand before it hits the shelves. 

As always we're looking forward to next week. 

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