
3 Reasons We're Crazy for Coconut Oil

Ever feel overwhelmed browsing the oil section at the grocery store? Olive, avocado, cold-pressed, unrefined- choosing the best oil for your needs and for your health can confuse even the most knowledgeable shopper. Our primal ancestors didn’t have this problem; vegetable and seed oils weren’t a part of any pre-agricultural or hunter-gatherer diets simply because the technology to produce them didn’t exist. It wasn’t until the early 1900s, with the invention of certain chemical processes and a need for “cheap” fat substitutions, that they took the American food supply by storm.
Now the backbone of the food industry, vegetable and seed oils are notoriously high in pro-inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids. We evolved eating a balanced omega-6-to-omega-3 ratio of 1:1, but in western diets today that ratio is about 16:1 (ref). Inflammation is essential for survival, but excess inflammation can lead to heart disease, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, arthritis, and other serious health issues we're now experiencing alarming rates of as a society.
The good news? There are several health-promoting oils that can help you get the right balance of fats in your diet without compromise. Coconut oil, which we use to make every batch of Paleonola, is hands down our favorite option. Here are just a few of the (many) reasons why we’re nuts about it:
1. Healthy fats: Coconut oil is high in medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs). Unlike the long-chain fatty acids (LCFAs) found in most vegetable oils, MCFAs go straight to the liver from the digestive tract, where they are used as a quick source of energy instead of being stored as fat (ref).

2. Immune system support: Consider it your secret weapon for the winter. Almost 50% of the fatty acids in coconut oil is the 12-carbon lauric acid. When consumed, lauric acid can kill harmful pathogens like bacteria, viruses, and fungi (ref).

3. Ultimate multi-tasker: Consuming coconut oil is one way to reap its benefits, but certainly not the only way. From toothpaste to sunscreen, there are hundreds of ways to use this versatile oil for hair and beauty, oral health, and even around the house. Check out this post from Wellness Mama for an in-depth list.

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