
Two New Locations and Looking Ahead

First and foremost we want to thank all of those who sent in their thoughts about how we can continue to make Paleonola better.  We appreciate the feedback and if you have anything else to add send it along to info@paleonola.com  

With the summer months right around the corner we are excited as ever about the possibilities of continuing our expansion.  We recently moved onto the shelves at the Whole Foods Market, located at 261 Waterman Street  Providence, RI.   Along with WFM, Providence Coffee Roasters are also proudly offering Paleonola as a great complement to your morning cup o' joe. 

It would be wonderful to implement all the new ideas and product flavors we have in our pipeline overnight but it's just not practical.  Right now want to focus our efforts on delivering a great product so that we can make sure when we are ready to expand the line, it's sure to be received well and our distribution channel will be able to get these great snacks to you.  

As always, we're thankful for the overwhelming support we are receiving from all of our customers and wish you the best in your journey to stay fit, healthy and motivated!

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