1) Make better food choices: Sounds simple right? Well ever year many people pack on pounds during the winter months and blame the holidays and eggnog for their mistakes. Understand that certain foods packed with gluten will lead you down that slippery slope that makes you crave more and more. It's a cycle that is hard to break for some people. During this holiday season opt for more filling food choices and when you do want to splurge understand that 80/20 is ok but only if you're discipline enough to maintain that boundary!
2) Get a sweat: We sometimes get so consumed with our day to day schedules and holiday shopping that working out, or fine tuning the machine that keeps you going falls by the waist side. It's critical to sweat out toxins and impurities in the body to just plain feel better about yourself. If you find yourself running around like a chicken with its head cut off get outside and work it out. Fresh air and exercise is the gift that keeps on giving.
3) Sleep better: Everyone has different lives, schedules and problems but one issue most people run into this time of year is lack of sleep. Whether it's the increased pressure to study longer hours for exams, work late at the office to compensate for the time off or just watching too much television humans have an uncanny ability to neglect there sleep. This leads to groggier mornings which leads to a greater feeling of being rundown which leads to sickness. Sleep is so important to keep you going and to help prevent you from getting sick this season but it's not just sleep, it quality, complete darkness sleep. Everyone is different so rather than make a blanket suggestion about how many hours to get lets just focus more on quality. (meaning: no interruptions, complete darkness and complete comfort)
4) Find silence: It's no secret we are constantly bombarded by technology and external stress factors every single minute of the day. If it's not one thing competing for our attention it's another and before you know it the day has evaporated with us still clinging to our keyboards and smartphones. Find time every day, even if it's as little as 15 minutes to just sit in complete silence. This will give you the mental break you need to continue running around during the chaotic holiday season. Sit in the bath or walk up to the top of a mountain and just be.
We hope everyone enjoys a happy, healthy and safe holiday season and look forward to more great things to come from all of us at Paleonola!

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