
Site Tweaks & Updates

If you visited Paleonola is the last 24 hours, you've probably noticed that we've made some changes to our site.  After some great feedback from our customers we decided to make some changes to our site that we think will only make us better going forward.  We wanted to enhance the experience on Paleonola.com and make it easier for you to use site.

You'll notice most of our changes during the checkout process but we've also added some other cool things as well.  First, we've added a button in the footer that links directly to this blog.  Secondly, now when you're on Facebook and you click on our page you can browse though any of our products in our online Facebook store, located in the left-hand column of our page.  Lastly, when checking out, you'll have more options to let you save your shipping address or ship your purchases to multiple addresses.  We hope you like what we've done and appreciate any and all feedback.  See you back at the site!

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